La Leche League of Gainesville

Help Line: 352-507-5530
Ayuda en Español: 352-731-2454
About La Leche League
Our Mission is to help mothers worldwide to breastfeed through mother-to-mother support, encouragement, information, and education, and to promote a better understanding of breastfeeding as an important element in the healthy development of the baby and mother.
At La Leche League of Gainesville, Florida, we hope to provide a nurturing community for new families as they navigate the beautiful, challenging journey of breastfeeding their young babies. If you are pregnant or nursing, we would love to meet you.

Ways to Connect
We are currently meeting in-person. This is a great opportunity to bring up any issues you're facing related to breastfeeding and to get to know other parents in the community. Children always welcome and meetings are always free!
We have a very active private Facebook group for you to post about any breastfeeding challenges to get peer-to-peer advice. There is a wealth of knowledge being shared daily!
If you are struggling with nursing your baby and need to speak with someone right away who has experience and knowledge related to the many facets of breastfeeding, call or text (352) 507-5530. This support is always free!
¿Necesitas ayuda para amamantar en español? Comunícate con Mirella en 352-731-2454 o