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Meet The Gainesville LLL Leaders

La Leche League Leaders are experienced breastfeeding mothers, accredited by La Leche League International. They are familiar with research and current findings dealing with all aspects of nursing and are trained to answer questions or concerns you may have about breastfeeding. Leaders are volunteers who are available for free telephone or e-mail counseling every day.

Gainesville Leaders: Mirella, Emily, Lindsey, Rachel, Justine, Traci, Tricia
Call or text: (352) 507-5530

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Comunícate con Mirella en 352-731-2454 o

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My husband and I have two incredible boys, Carson (3 1/2) and Harrison (1). I am a former special education teacher who became a stay at home mom when our first son was born. We moved to Gainesville at 37w pregnant for my husband’s medical residency training and have continued our journey here for his fellowship training. Breastfeeding is an aspect of motherhood I was very passionate about well before conceiving my first child. After both of my boys ended up being diagnosed with a condition called Food Protein Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome, breastfeeding changed from a long term passion into a life saving gift of nutrition. Due to the severity of their condition, breastmilk was their only safe food option even into the toddler years. Besides providing them with the greatest nutrition, breastfeeding created a bond with each son that is deeper than I could have ever imagined. I am passionate about supporting others in their breastfeeding journeys and I contribute much of my own breastfeeding success to the Leaders who come before me. I am honored and excited to represent La Leche League International as a new Leader!

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I've known about LLL for years before I became a mom but didn't know how special this community was until I attended my first virtual meeting (post covid) back in 2021 when my daughter was just a few weeks old. I had a really difficult beginning to breastfeeding but was so determined to figure it out because I knew of all the incredible benefits it had to offer. The Leaders and fellow moms shared experience, wisdom, and grace that I so desperately needed and couldn't be more thankful for that. My super small hometown is about an hour away from Gainesville and its not always an option to be able to travel so far to attend meetings, especially with little ones in tow. I wanted to become a Leader to help other moms in my community overcome hurdles, reach milestones, normalize and celebrate breastfeeding.



My beginning with breastfeeding started within my family unit and overall culture. I'm originally from Peru and lived there for ten years before moving to Gainesville. My mother breastfed me well into my toddlerhood years. I grew up seeing how she, and other women in Peru, incorporated breastfeeding into a way of mothering and raising children. Thus, my motivation for having the desire to breastfeed my children was the imprint my mother, softly and delicately, left in me since babyhood. My husband and I have two sons, Krishna (5) and Giriraj (2). My breastfeeding journey with both of them has been a beautiful journey, but not without its challenges. Together we have overcome multiple oral ties, jaundice, feeding aversions, and oversupply to name a few. At the end of each of those bumps on the road, breastfeeding proved to be a way to find calm, safety, love, and connection with each of my sons. I am honored and excited to be a part of La Leche League International as a new Leader and look forward to being able to support others in their breastfeeding journey, but especially to be able to reach Spanish-speaking families in the community.



I grew up in Jacksonville and moved to Gainesville to go to UF in 2002, then never left! I was an elementary school teacher for 10 years and now work for UF's College of Education. I'm married to my husband Ryan, and we have three little girls, Lucy age 9, Cora age 6, and Rose age 3. They provided me with quite a range of breastfeeding experiences as Lucy and Rose were born full term and had no serious issues, while Cora was born at 34 weeks and was in the NICU for a little while. I am very excited to be able to help other mothers along their breastfeeding journeys!



My mom was an active member of her La Leche League Group in Miami back in the early 80s so I like to say I grew up in LLL. I attended my first LLL meeting as a mother myself, when my son was 5 weeks old and I fell in love. Two years later I became a Leader. My husband and I have three children - a nine year old son, seven year old daughter and a baby on the way! I am a former Elementary School teacher turned stay at home mom and now homeschooling mom. I am passionate about volunteering and helping others.



I have been a LLL leader for 17 years, mom to 4 amazing kids/adults ages 23, 20, 18, and 16. Most recently moved from Boston MA, but grew up in southern Idaho. Married to my husband for 28 years. Started going to LLL when my oldest was 2 months and was hooked! Can’t wait to meet you all and bask in the LLL vibe!



I'm a former teacher, current stay-at-home mom and small business owner who is passionate about uplifting other women, especially moms. I turned to La Leche League when my son Miles was little and we were struggling through tongue tie, food allergies and "colic." I got the help I needed but kept coming back for the community connection. I'm looking forward to making new connections and strengthening the network of moms supporting moms here in Gainesville.


If you are looking for help with any breastfeeding challenges

or looking for a community to connect with other new parents, please reach out to us!

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Updated December 2023

Help Line: 352-507-5530
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